Concrete Institute of Australia: AS3600 Update
If AS3600 plays a part in your business, you’ll need to get your head around the recent changes to this concrete standard! We have a number of exceptional speakers covering all the changes and providing you a forum to ask questions and network at 3pm on the 8th April at the Waldorf Canberra.
See more event details and how to register below.

The New AS3600-2018 Concrete Structures Code
What Impact Will it Have on You?
Monday, 8 April 2019
3:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Our major concrete structures code, AS3600, was recently updated and released in 2018. However, the Standard was also subjected to a number of challenges during this revision. Subsequently there have been a number of questions raised by designers and specifiers, as well as practitioners and suppliers, which have created some confusion, and a lack of clarity in some areas.
In April 2019 the Institute will present a symposium titled “The New AS3600-2018 Concrete Structures Code – What Impact Will It Have On You?”, and it will focus specifically on the recently released AS 3600 code and the challenges it presents to the construction industry. With so many challenges confronting the concrete industry the objective of this seminar is to provide designers and practitioners up to date information on changes to AS3600, why they have occurred, and the impact it will have on performance.
Topics include:
Overview of AS 3600
Changes to AS 3600 and Why They Have Been Made
Impact on structural design for slabs, beams, and walls with respect to serviceability, limit state, shear, and more.
New additions to the Code.
Alignment with the National Construction Code of Australia.
Understanding the Standards process
Q&A forum to discuss areas of concern, uncertainty, or new suggestions.
The seminar will also aim to:
Provide design examples, not only explaining the changes, but highlighting any of the ambiguities in the Standard.
Uncover the sections of AS3600 that are seen as unworkable by some designers and determine solutions to these problems.
The seminar includes Jim Forbes, the Chair of the BD2 Standards Australia Committee for AS3600; Alison Scotland, the National Sector Manager for Building, from Standards Australia; Shan Kumar, (Chief Engineer – Hickory Building Systems); and Angelo Thurairajah, Technical Director – Webber Design, who will discuss the structural design changes in the code, as well as providing insight as to how the changes will effect everyday business.
The seminar will also include a forum involving locally based representatives of the AS3600 BD2 committee, and users of the code such as consultants, asset owners, and concrete practitioners, who will come together to answer questions, consider concerns and provide clarity.
Event Details:
Waldorf On London
2 Akuna St , Canberra ACT 2601
CIA Members $295.00
Non-Members $395.00
CIA Retired, Life & Honorary Members $120.00
CIA Student Members $50.00