CE Construction Solutions: Your Supply Nation Certified Supplier

Who are Supply Nation: Australia’s supplier diversity leaders.
Since 2009, Supply Nation has worked with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses along with procurement teams from government and corporate Australia to help shape today’s emerging and rapidly evolving Indigenous business sector. Supply Nation partners with its paid membership of government, corporate and not-for-profit organisations to develop procurement policies that modify and redirect spending to include the traditionally underutilised Indigenous business sector.
Supply Nation has a vision of a prosperous, vibrant and sustainable Indigenous business sector, and they work towards that by driving understanding that the purchasing power of businesses can be used to deliver positive social outcomes and facilitating connections between Indigenous businesses and their members’ procurement departments.
Supplier diversity is a global movement designed to harness planned and budgeted procurement spend and redirect it to traditionally under-represented businesses where it can create greater social good and give businesses a strong competitive advantage. Supplier diversity offers under-represented businesses the same opportunities to compete for business as other qualified suppliers and drives a range of business benefits, including sustainability, flexibility, innovation and value. A proactive approach is required to change entrenched organisational processes: historical practices and commercial habits tend to limit opportunities for new suppliers.
Supplier diversity has significant and measurable long-term business benefits. Almost half a century of data from the United States indicates that diverse supply chains are more sustainable, flexible and innovative.
Please contact us for more information on how we can unlock the value of including indigenous businesses in your supply chain.